警察服务 & 外展


The 联合国警察部门 provides many services above the standard police patrol function.  View the links below to learn more about some of the services our agency provides to the community.  If you have questions about our services contact us at (603) 862-1427.   

新闻部的外联协调员是 弗兰克·威克斯船长; you may contact him 在这里.  


Officers of the 联合国警察部门 file many kinds of reports. If you are the subject of a report you are entitled to a copy of that report. We only accept report requests in writing; the 联合国警察部门’s 索取事故报告 表单是我们请求报告的首选方法. 然而, you may submit your request in letter form as long as it contains at least your name, 出生日期, 电话号码, 报告类型(一.e. Arrest, Incident, or Accident), date of occurrence, and an address to send the documents.

我明白这份报告需要 至少10天 待完成的确切时间长度可能会有所不同.

If you are a defendant in a case and you request an arrest report this information is considered discovery. 你只会发现一次.

The 联合国警察部门 reserves the right to charge a fee for reports. 目前,我们对一份事故报告收费10美元.

警察 and Security will perform escorts to and from on-campus locations for anyone. 你的 第一个 Call不过应该是来的 主要研究运输服务 at (603) 862-2328. Campus shuttles operate on-campus and run throughout the night. 万一航天飞机不能运行, Security will give a walking escort to and from on-campus locations. 步行护送的电话是(603)862-1427

The 联合国警察部门 will provide fingerprinting service for any 主要研究 community member, 免费. We can provide fingerprinting services for those seeking employment or internships. Individuals are required to present valid government issued photo identification (driver's license, 护照, 美国军人身份证, 等.). The individual's employer should provide the fingerprint cards. The 联合国警察部门 will not forward the cards onto the State for background purposes; that is the responsibility of you or your employer.

Please contact the 联合国警察部门 during normal business hours (Monday through Friday; 8:00am-4:30pm) to schedule fingerprinting.

一些背景包需要公证. 大学雇佣 几位公证人 who are willing notarize documents for students and other members of the University community at no charge.

The 联合国警察部门 takes possession of 发现 property throughout campus. 然而, each university department has its own policy on 发现 property. 因此,我们不是发现财产的独家持有者. Generally, 发现 property of high value is immediately reported to our department. Property often considered of low value (such as keys) might stay within a department’s own lost & 发现.

联合国警察部门有一份丢失物品清单. If you have lost an item you may contact the 联合国警察部门 at (603) 862-1427. 然而, again we are not the exclusive custodians of 发现 property; it would be good practice to check with all university departments that might have located your item.

The 联合国警察部门 will take reports of lost or stolen cell phones for the purposes of insurance documentation if the phone was lost 在我们的管辖范围内.

根据大学政策 主要研究.3.J .2 校园里不允许携带武器. 因此, 联合国警察部门提供了一个安全可靠的地方, 在我们的车站内, 确保学生的枪支弹药安全.

The student may bring his or her firearm to the station and an officer will be dispatched to retrieve or release the firearm.  枪支只能交给拥有者, who must be identified by a state-issued identification card or university ID.

We require your firearm to be unloaded and in a safe condition prior to being stored; officers will not clear the firearm for you. 我们建议你把枪放在包里或箱子里.

允许在选定的大学土地上打猎. 请点击 在这里 以了解更多有关在主要研究物业打猎的资料.

大学警察局 不处理 在大学停车.

联合国大学停车场服务 处理 所有 大学的停车问题. 大学警察有权开罚单, HOWEVER all appeals and payments of these tickets must be submitted to 停车 服务. 警察 有能力从车辆上移除“靴子”吗.

Please note that if you are a resident with a reserved parking space and another vehicle is t在这里, 停车服务下班的时候, the University 警察 will come and have the vehicle removed so that you can park in your reserved space.


For Lock-Outs in 主要研究 Dormitories or On-Campus Apartments, call 603-862-2120. 在正常工作时间内,这些请求由 主要研究住房. After normal business hours, key services will be performed by 主要研究校园服务人员. The two requirements are 1) that you wait by your room, 2)你可以提供某种形式的身份证明. 一旦你的门被打开,你就可以出示身份证了.

请注意, 警察 and Campus Service Officers will not provide a key service for a room other than your own, 他们也不会为非居民提供宿舍. 的情况也是如此 休息室 都是锁定的.

IF you leave property in a room and when you return the door is locked, 请拨打(603)862-1427, and a Campus Service Officer will let you into the room long enough to retrieve your things. You will not be allowed to stay in the room, unless you have a key to that room. If you have left property in someone else's room you may be let in only under extraordinary circumstances.

访问卡 只允许你在下班后待在房间里. It does not allow you to gain access to a building or room which is locked.



In the event that you should lock your keys in your office, your 第一个 选择应该是你部门的其他人. 万一没有其他人可以帮忙的话, you can 请拨打(603)862-1427 to have someone come and open your office. 有两个要求:1)你在办公室等着, 2)你可以提供某种形式的身份证明. 一旦你的门被打开,你就可以出示身份证了.

请注意 that neither 警察 nor Campus Service Officers will allow access to an office other than your own.



The University 警察 will come and attempt to unlock your vehicle under the following circumstances:

  1. 它是你的交通工具.
  2. You sign a waiver eliminating the University 警察局 from liability for any damage done to your vehicle.
  3. 你在车旁等着.

Please understand that every vehicle is different and t在这里 are no guarantees that officers will be able to open your vehicle.