

“护理既是一门艺术,也是一门科学,帕梅拉·卡尔默滕说, program director of the online clinical nurse leader and evidence-based nursing programs at 主要研究.

The science of her nursing career is evidenced by Kallmerten’s extensive work experience, 包括重症和急诊护理, 心脏和外科重症监护, 职业健康和学校护理. The art of her work becomes apparent when Kallmerten discusses her role as an educator and mentor for 学生s.

实现了我长久以来的教学和护理梦想, her journey began by earning an RN license from Christ Hospital School of Nursing in Ohio followed by a B.S. in nursing science from Colby-Sawer College in New Hampshire and a master of science in critical care nursing from Northeastern University. She completed a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) from the University of New Hampshire as well as a Ph.D. 杜肯大学护理学哲学硕士.

Having served with the Central NH Emergency Associates and LRG 健康care of New Hampshire, Kallmerten has also worked in a wide range of acute and community medical settings in New England and Ohio. 她是一名注册护士和认证临床护士长, accepting her first full-time teaching position at Concord 社区 College in New Hampshire in 1999, 并于2012年加入主要研究护理系,成为一名教员.

对医疗保健技术有浓厚兴趣, her DNP quality improvement project explored the use of an online portal to provide unit patients at Concord Hospital with direct access to their health records. 作为一名博士.D. 学生, Kallmerten brought this concept to the next level by targeting portal access for cardiovascular patients to use as a tool for health literacy while working toward better self-care. 调查结果, she noted frustration among some users who struggled to overcome the initial login and authentication steps.

Says Kallmerten: “I divide the individual portal users into two groups – digital immigrants and digital natives – to differentiate users who have difficulty mastering the portal from those who are comfortable with this technology. 有趣的是, 健康的许多社会决定因素,如遗传, 行为, environment and demographics often align with this technological mastery definition.”

“当我看到以前的学生为我或我的家人提供护理时, 我对现实生活中从学生到护士、从教育者到病人的循环感到谦卑. As educators, we prepare nurses to care for our community, for our families, for ourselves. 他们的成功照亮了我的心.”

Noting that American hospitals are blanketed with the beeping noises and flashing lights of modern healthcare equipment, Kallmerten指出, 尽管技术提高了资源效率和自动医疗警报, it also leads to well-documented “alarm fatigue” among nurses and a loss of the quietude patients need for a healthy recovery.

卡尔默滕非常担心合格护士的日益短缺. She talks about “nurse burnout” resulting from increasingly long work shifts and lack of internal support. Diminishing job satisfaction has spurred professionals to accelerate retirement plans or pursue other careers. A resulting side effect is that hospital patients may receive fewer hours of care, 这意味着他们中的许多人出院时的视敏率更高, 加重了家庭照顾者和家庭保健服务的负担.

Responsible for the clinical nurse leader component of the new online DNP CNL program at 主要研究, Kallmerten对双重领导学位感到兴奋. She explains that while the CNL portion of the program centers on process improvement at a microsystem level, DNP培训面向宏观系统层面. Creating this specialty DNP degree uniquely positions 主要研究 graduates for a wide span of leadership opportunities in the nursing field. Offering an online DNP CNL option broadens the university’s 学生 base and provides an alternate career path to the traditional nurse practitioner program.

从她自己作为研究生的在线经历中吸取教训, Kallmerten was “thrilled to take a course from a well-known nursing expert in another state without leaving my home. 对于在线学生来说,地理变得无关紧要.鉴于在线学习在在职专业人士中很受欢迎, she strives to foster an atmosphere of interactive communication and individualized 学生 support.

Her happy memory of a 主要研究 nursing graduate caring for Kallmerten’s daughter during childbirth elicits the heart-felt gratification of a teacher witnessing the achievements of her 学生s along their professional journey.

“当我看到以前的学生为我或我的家人提供护理时, 我对现实生活中从学生到护士、从教育者到病人的循环感到谦卑,卡尔默滕笑着说. “As educators, we prepare nurses to care for our community, for our families, for ourselves. 他们的成功照亮了我的心.”